
Todd Milliron

The Best Choice for an Accountable, Open & Transparent Government

Kendall County Board – District One

I Won’t Back Down!

I am Running as a Independent Candidate

My passion is to fight hard for more transparency and accountability in the Kendall County Government.  I continue to educate the Kendall County Board in ethical conduct to attain my goal of bettering the county and achieving Lower Taxes by eliminating Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. As an Elected County Government Official I will continue to advocate for all residents to have the freedom to speak at all county meetings, and have their input heard to insure the county government is formed by the people and for the people. Being the ‘Watchdog’ of Kendall County makes me the best candidate to ensure that this goal will be achieved.  

Click here to view “09-14-2020 Kendall County District One – League of Women Voters Candidate Forum”

About Me

My Life & Family
Fighting the Landfills
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Cyber Security
The Watchdog of Kendall County
What I Want to Accomplish
My Life & Family

My name is Todd Milliron and, as a young man, I worked for more than 10 years in the oilfields of Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. I also made time for a college education. I graduated from Kansas State University in 1986 at the age of 29 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. My goal was to work myself through college and graduate debt free.

In Jan. of 1985 on my KSU Winter Break, I met the lady who would become my wife; Pam and I had a long distance relationship for two years after the K-mart Corporation transferred Pam to the Chicago land area. I left Kansas upon graduation from KSU to come and be with Pam, who was living at the time in Aurora, where I immediately found work flipping burgers.

After about two months, I found a job with an insurance agency in Geneva, IL. I struck out on my own in Nov. 1987 to work as an independent insurance agent and have been my own boss, working on straight commission ever since.

My clients know that I am a “Service Man”, not a salesman, and there is a difference. That business philosophy has paid many dividends over the years. I was told if you build your house upon a rock of firm beliefs, it will always stand tall against what the world will throw against you. It is my faith in the Lord, always drawing upon how I was raised by my parents, my church family, and living by the Golden Rule that keeps me grounded. I was raised to not be afraid, to try and believe that one person can make a difference.

I married Pam in Dec. 1988 and it was the best decision I ever made. I am truly blessed and thank the Lord everyday for the life I have been given and allowed to earn in this great country of ours. We have three children: Nicole (30), a 2008 graduate of the Illinois Math and Science Academy who then graduated Magna Cum Laude from Iowa State in 2012 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Nicole has been employed by the Boeing Company since graduation and lives in Seattle, WA. Amber (26), my second daughter, graduated after seven semesters at Lewis University in Romeoville in Dec. of 2015 with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. Amber graduated High Honors and was on the Dean’s list every semester.  Amber is employed as an Operations Manager at Dayton Freight Corporation in Milwaukee, WI.  So, we now have all three kids out of the nest. CJ (23), my only son, is a 2015 Yorkville High School graduate and is a 2019 Graduate of Lakeland University in Plymouth, WI. with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration

We bought our home in 1996 on Cotswold Dr. This is the home my three kids grew up in, and the home I hope to be able to continue to afford paying the property tax bill on. What wonderful, caring friends and neighbors I have nearby and in town.

Many of the individuals I called on early in my insurance career are still clients of mine to this day. I really enjoy what I do and it allows me the freedom to be the father that I am, and to do the extra things that I care about that makes a difference to others.

I have helped coach the beginning kid wrestling group for the Yorkville Wrestling Club for eight years. I have been an active volunteer within the Yorkville School District, and have watched my children grow and mature into the young adults they are now. I enjoy Blues Music and was Vice President of the Yorkville Music Boosters from 2003 to 2011. My wife Pam was also the Yorkville Music Boosters Treasurer from 2003 to 2011. We care about the music programs offered in Yorkville’s School District, CUSD #115, and have watched the program grow and the students excel. It has been time well invested and it is something we still support as Yorkville Music Boosters Patrons each year.  Recently, I assisted a small Group of Citizens to “Save the Jail”, this effort involved convincing the City of Yorkville to not Demolish the Historic 1892 Kendall County Jail and put it back on the Property Tax Roles, in doing so, we petitioned the State of Illinois to designate the County’s First Jail to National Register of Historic Places.

Click Here to Read about the Old Kendall County Jail Renovations 

Fighting the Landfills

I have never thought of myself as a politician, just a student of good, honest, and transparent government that needs to be held accountable. In Sept.  of 2006 I became aware of a fast paced 19-day annexation scheme near my home and I started asking questions, which eventually led me to discover the 39.2 Fox Moraine Landfill Application being filed on Dec. 1, 2006. This inappropriate annexation scheme led me to get other active citizens involved. Together, we fought with all the fiber of our being. Failing was not an option. The rest is history. I did not want a landfill near my neighbors homes and I did not want one near any other county residents home’s either. 

I have fought and invested my time to improve this county for the next generation. Recently in 2009, I was able to assist with the drafting of the new Kendall County 5-year Solid Waste Plan, which was approved, after intense public pressure, by our 2008-2010 county board and included a ban on landfills in our county until 2015. I was renamed to next Citizens Advisory Committee for the new Kendall County 5-year Solid Waste Plan that met in 2014 and again in 2019 to help to draft the current 5-year Kendall County Solid Waste Plan which will expire in 2025. The Illinois 2nd Appellate Court of Appeals decision affirmed the City of Yorkvilles’ decision to deny the Yorkville-Fox Moraine LLC landfill application at Sleepy Hollow Rd. and that was welcome news.  I will continue to be vigilant, we can do much better to reduce Solid Waste and recycling is the solution, please see Resources Page for more info.  The Fox Moraine LLC landfill was just one of the three landfill applications we had to face in 2007. Three landfill applications defeated by active citizen involvement from within Kendall County – that was something I participated in and joined with others to publicly oppose during those three landfill hearings. As long as I am alive, and live in Kendall County, it will be something I will continue to monitor. This landfill experience has allowed me to learn more about what still needs to be done to have a more publicly accountable and transparent county government. Over this past decade, I have been to the Plano, Platteville, Millbrook, Yorkville, Oswego and Oswego Township Monthly Government Meetings, meeting many caring citizens along the way. It is those citizens who have asked me to be a part of our country’s government and help lead the way to the future as one of the ten county board members that will make decisions for all of us. I don’t always have the answers, but I do know how to ask questions and seek out other educated people to help me become more informed. That is what I think an elected official should do to cast an informed vote on your behalf.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

I was a regular attendee of Yorkville City Council meetings, attended the Plano City Council meeting for over a year, plus have attended the Kendall County Board Meetings regularly since 2007, speaking frequently to our current county board over the past 10 years. Some have called me the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) King of Kendall County and, as a citizen, I have taken an active role in promoting and advocating for needed changes in our County.

My research led to the resignation of our former Chief Deputy, who I caught red handed charging four cases of beer on the county credit card that was issued to him. 

See newspaper article – Click here

The former Kendall Chief Deputy was caught using his county issued credit card for questionable and undocumented alcoholic beverage expenses in excess of $100, meaning there was no invoice or receipt which explained this purchase,nor was it ever properly disclosed to the Kendall County Board Finance Committee.  My persistent FOIA research finally led the Kendall County Board to draft a No Alcohol Policy for all County employees. Later, I was targeted for Retribution by Former Coroner Toftoy because I exposed the Oswego Road Commissioner, Gary Grosskopf for Job Abandonment, Mr. Grosskopf had Sold his Oswego House and had moved to Florida while still drawing a Government Salary of $98,000 a year for over 15 months. 

See the credit card receipt – Click here

Other FOIA research and the written complaint I drafted led to the Kendall County Sheriff Commissary account being properly audited annually and a finding that inmate funds were being co-mingled with other Sheriff Dept. account funds. That separation of funds mandated by the state law is now being performed. That research then led to another finding that the old Kendall County Sheriff’s Shooting Range lease with Burlington Northern Railroad was expired and needed to be updated, which led to the new Kendall Sheriff Dept. Shooting Range being moved to Southern Kendall County and being housed at an old quarry site. Many residents on both sides of the Fox River, downstream from Orchard Rd., have expressed gratitude for that government shooting range being relocated to a more rural area of the county.

My FOIA research led to written complaint I formally filed, which became the 2-year Kendall County Board Per-Diem Investigation. Many of the findings of that Forensic Audit remain uncorrected and have never been addressed by the current Kendall County Board. If I am elected, I will push to make those needed corrections identified in that forensic audit overseen by States Attorney Eric Weis.

My FOIA research has uncovered no-bid contracts and missing committee meeting minutes for the Kendall County Highway Comittee while current Kendall County Board member Bob Davidson was the chairman in 2010. That FOIA research also found another $300,000 No-Bid Bristol Township drainage job in Lynwood Sub-division in 2010.

More recently, my FOIA research was the foundation for a Pam Zekman CBS Channel 2 Investigation into the Oswego Township Road Commissioner being in the State of Florida for 15 months.  Yet, there is no State, County, or Township law that says this type of behavior is illegal.

Lately, my efforts still involve the Oswego Township Road District, this time with finding Vacation Payroll Discrepancies.

Click here for recent news articles on WSPY

Cyber Security

I brought to the Kendall County IT Department the need to monitor the County website for Malware and other harmful threats. At the time, this matter was brought to the attention of County Administration, Google had already flagged the County Website as being infected with harmful hacker programs. My involvement led to an initiative at that time to use a specialized outside vendor to keep the county website up-to-date and safe for citizen usage, free from harmful computer bugs.  Since then, Kendall County Administration has assigned Full Time Staff to address this ongoing concern.

The Watchdog of Kendall County

I have called numerous Open Meeting violations and have caught the City of Plano, the City of Yorkville, Kendall County Government, Oswego Township, Kendall Township, Little Rock Township, the Yorkville-Bristol Sanitary District in violations of the Open Meetings Act. This vigilance has led to fundamental changes in our county on how public meetings are properly noticed and held.

I am the Independent Candidate that resides in Fox Township. My oversight and advocacy recently led to the resignation of our Fox Township Commissioner and some new written expectations of what the Fox Township  Road Commissioners job responsibilities will be for the newly appointed Fox Township Road Commissioner.

Now a days, all I have to do is go to a public meeting and those elected to conduct the citizens’ business seem to know who I am without me ever having to introduce myself. 

Kendall County and it’s elected officials have always had a tendency to do things their own unique way. Since I’ve been an engaged and active citizen, many of those old ways have been curtailed or ceased. I will confide to you that there is still much work

What I Want to Accomplish

There are four things I would like to accomplish in the next four years:

1.) Put the County’s checkbook online so you can also help me identify areas of the current budget and line item expenditures which can be curtailed or cut for more efficient utilization of county resources.  This outstanding 10-year Old Goal is under Active Discussion right now and could become a reality before Nov. 3, 2020 Election.  If it does not get done, it will happen after I am elected.

Todd Filing News Article – Click Here

2.) Implement and install a County-wide citizen-staffed Oversight Committee for local law enforcement officer review, starting with the Kendall County Sheriff’s Dept. With what happened in Fox Lake and recently in the City of Chicago and Joliet, it would be prudent to have trusted citizens involved in the oversight of all citizen complaints made against any sworn officer of the law. If there is a finding that the complaint is valid and has merit for misdeeds or unprofessional behavior, that needs to be made public, so needed corrections or training can be made accordingly. It is something I was asked to help with after Sheriff’s Baird election and I came up with some research to get this process started. Currently we are in discussions with several county law enforcement unions, so now would be a good time to get some needed oversight implemented or at least move that discussion forward. Law enforcement body cameras have just been recently approved and funded by the Kendall County Board.  The question becomes, what will we do with this new technology to accomplish better law enforcement administration and the training of those entrusted to do that job that we all depend on ?

3.) Cap Spending for the next two years, Control  County Spending in 2021-2022 Budget Years at present allocated expenditure levels. We have one of the highest property tax percentages in the USA. We are a Republican County that seems to  ask year in and year out for more $. I intend to hold the line on Property Taxes and will not ask for more. I believe it is possible to find some cuts, but that is something I will research more once I am elected and on the County Board. 

4)  Go to 5 Two-Member County Board Districts.  We will be going into the Redistricting Cycle for County Board Districts, which happens after the USA Decennial Census Count is completed.  I have a plan in writing on explaining on how to accomplish this Redistricting Change.   Who is Your County Board Member?  Do you actually know who your County Board Member is?  We will be going into the Redistricting Cycle for County Board Districts, which happens after the USA Decennial Census Count is completed.  I would like to go to 5 Two Member County Board Districts and have a plan in writing to do so.  You would still have 10 Elected Kendall County Board Members as now, but each would represent a much smaller County Board District.  My proposition will make our County Government more responsive, cost less to campaign and your County Board Member would be forced to get out into their District and do Constituent Outreach.  Please review my Redistricting Plan and I welcome your input on where to draw the boundaries for each of the new 5 Kendall County Board Districts.  A second place finish after the 2022 Election Cycle will not get you elected to the Kendall County Board under my 5-district plan.For the past 10 years, I have been there, engaged, in the room where it happens and have been actively working, trying to make things better for all of us in Kendall County. Whether my help was wanted or not, I was contributing and, most of the time, it has led to much needed change. There is still much to do and I know I can do more and get things done if I can talk longer than five minutes as a concerned citizen at a meeting, and I get to actually vote on the Kendall County Board. 


Do You want to Help Make A Change in Kendall County?

I believe it is important to listen to the people. Let me know how we can make Kendall County better – I want your input!

Contact Me
